Our Happy Family

Our Happy Family

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Benson try to grab toys now... 2 Months 3 Days Old

Benson Playing With Daddy....

Benson Touching Mickey Mouse...

Burping Benson....

Benson now is more playful liao... when we put toys infront of him.. he will try to use his hand to grab it... now he is trying to control his hand movement... so we just use toys to play with him in order to let him have his hand & fingers training... =) when i put him in his Fisherman Rocker with the toys above.. he will try to push it... hehe... so cute la... now Benson also know how to complain more whenever he is feeling unhappy... will be very naggy... even when he suck his pacifier.. there will still be noise coming from his mouth -_-" Yesterday hubby was playing with Benson... hehe.. Benson smile so happily.... ^^

Lately... i have started my swimming... hopefully i can lose some weight... BUT!!! i'm getting tanned... =( i now actually very dislike to be tanned... but no choice... swimming is the only sports that i like... so gotta bear with it a while...

Benson Complain wanna drink milk....

Benson playing with his toy...

Benson is touching Mickey Mouse....

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